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Getting started with the Dev Portal

The Developer Portal allows you to register your own applications so they can work with Anthology products. Here’s how you can get your API or LTI keys to authenticate your application and take advantage of the Anthology platform.

How to sign up

  1. After reading and accepting the terms and conditions, you must enter your account information.

  2. Please avoid using personal emails in favor of organizational emails. A project alias, such as edtechdev[at] would be ideal.

How to register an application

  1. Log in to your account and select Register an Application. Fill the application name, description, and a fully qualified internet domain name where the application is running.

  2. Select the group for the application you’re registering. You’ll find a default group with your name. If you want to change the name, go to My Groups and select Rename.

  3. If you’re registering an LTI 1.3 application, make sure you activate the toggle (by clicking on the grey area) and enter the required information according to the LTI specification.

  4. Select Register Application to get your keys and store them in a safe location.

  5. To register more applications, select the plus sign in My Applications.

How to create a group

  1. Log in to your account and select My Groups.

  2. You’ll find a default group with your name. If you want to change the name just select Rename.

  3. For new groups, select Create and name your group. We suggest names based on the name of your organization.

  4. To add developers to your group, select the plus sign at the bottom of the page.