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Configuring Ultra Extension Framework in Learn

The Ultra Extension Framework (UEF) encompasses a broad array of features and functionality, and as such, each UEF-enabled integration will have its own specific configuration settings. However, the setup process followed by a Learn System Administrator leverages existing standard configuration workflows already in place. Adding a UEF-enabled integration to a Learn environment requires a System Admin to make configuration changes to one or more of the following areas:

REST API Integrations: UEF-enabled integrations will need to be added as a REST API integration [Administrator Panel ⇨ REST API Integrations ⇨ Create Integration].

Create a REST API Integration in Learn

LTI Tool Providers: UEF-enabled integrations will need to be registered as an LTI Tool Provider. We recommend using LTI 1.3, though LTI 1.1 will work.

To register an LTI 1.3 tool:

[Administrator Panel ⇨ LTI Tool Providers ⇨ Register LTI 1.3 Tool]

To register an LTI 1.1 tool:

[Administrator Panel ⇨ LTI Tool Providers ⇨ Register Provider Domain]

Register LTI Tool

New LTI Placement Type: “Ultra extension” As part of the Ultra integration framework development, it’s necessary to define a way for Learn admins to register an Ultra integration and how the registered integrations are going to be loaded inside Ultra: • We’ll keep the current registration workflow for LTI 3rd party tools, but a new placement type will be added so that is possible to know when an LTI tool is expected to work as an Ultra UI integration. • The new LTI placement type will be known as “Ultra extension” and such type will only be visible for Learn Ultra instances.

NOTE: When registering an LTI 1.1 Placement, you must include the following information:

The Tool Provider Key and Tool Provider Secret would be the ones given by the devportal when the application is created and the Tool Provider URL must follow this format:<PlacementId>&appkey=<Tool Provider Key>

Manage LTI Placements

Create LTI Placement

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing: For UEF-enabled integrations that make direct calls to their Learn instance’s REST API will need be be configured via the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) tool [Administrator Panel ⇨ Cross-Origin Resource Sharing ⇨ Create Configuration].

Cross Origin Resource Sharing Configuration